70th International Astronautical Congress

ESTECO is honored to exhibit at the 70th International Astronautical Congress that will take place in Washington D.C., from 21 to 25 October 2019.
The IAC is the “World’s Premier Global Space Event” among space-focused scientists, researchers, engineers, agencies, businesses, students, young professionals, policymakers, astronauts, space-related members of the press, and the general public that are interested in the science of space. It is different than other space conferences and events because of the strength of the IAF program, and the impact on innovation in space technology that happens as a result of this annual global collaboration.

This must-attend Congress is supported by industry, government, and academia at the highest levels, and the most influential experts, innovative technologists, and pioneers of the industry will be there.
At IAC 2019, you can expect nearly 200 technical sessions, daily plenary sessions, panel discussions and special events that will inspire global innovations in space.
The Congress theme, “Space: The Power of the Past, the Promise of the Future,” provides a foundation for a program that will bring together people from all over the world who have been involved in some of the most pivotal space endeavors, as well as the international technical experts and scientists who are making the biggest breakthroughs of our day—including those who are on the brink of the next big leap for mankind.