ESTECO UM24: Delivering digital continuity for effective digital engineering

Written by Alessandro Viola

25 July 2024 · 5 min read

Delivering digital continuity. End-to-end process automation, from simulation workflows to high-level business decisions, is key for effective digital engineering.

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Showing 1 - 5 of 52 blog posts

Designing with heart and SOUL: 25 years of user experience at ESTECO

Written by Matteo Miotto

28 June 2024

We look forward to seeing what you’ll create with SOUL and how SOUL will shape the future design of ESTECO products.

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From startup to global player in 25 years: embracing change and fostering creativity

Written by Paolo Vercesi and Sergio Benedetti

30 May 2024

Looking back on ESTECO’s 25 years in business, the question arises: what does it take to grow from a three-person startup to a global company?

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ESTECO and the academic world: 25 years of creating knowledge

Written by Enrico Nobile

30 April 2024

ESTECO shortly became one of the most active centers of an international niche community: the engineering optimization community. Every thesis, internship, and scholarship we sponsored has been like a seed sown to make this network grow bigger and stronger worldwide.

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Enhancing an FDA centrifugal blood pump through simulation and parametric design optimization

Written by Braydan Collins, Claudio Miccoli and Angela Scardigli

28 March 2024 · 5 min read

We developed a comprehensive numerical methodology to validate and optimize the high-fidelity simulation of a centrifugal blood pump, building on the FDA’s initiative to standardize and validate high-fidelity simulations for medical devices.

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25 years of ESTECO | Once upon a startup…

Written by Carlo Poloni

19 February 2024 · 10 min read

Like all startups, everything begins with a good idea. But looking back at our first steps, it’s clear that passion, luck and the people you meet on your way can really make a difference.

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