If you are working on a design project within a small team, you may still benefit from a desktop paradigm to automate any simulation process, run on the top optimization algorithms and visualize results. modeFRONTIER, our desktop solution for process automation and design optimization, is designed for that.

A flexible, modular optimization environment
Depending on the step of the engineering problem at hand, you can access modeFRONTIER desktop solution functionalities. Focus on specific sets of design optimization and integration practices according to your expertise and needs for the simulation-driven product development.
Set workflow automation
Integrate the different physics domains involved in your Multidisciplinary Design Optimization studies and create efficient workflows to be executed.
Plan design exploration and optimization
Create and customize your own optimization strategy or rely on our autonomous approach. No need to set any parameters - it automatically seeks optimum solutions minimizing the number of iterations required.
Gain valuable insights from the data space
Show data using sophisticated and interactive charts, train RSMs (Response Surface Methods), or exploit other advanced post-processing tools (Multi-Variate Analysis, Sensitivity Analysis, Multi-Criteria Decision Making).