Danilo Di Stefano
modeFRONTIER Product ManagerDanilo Di Stefano
modeFRONTIER Product ManagerDanilo Di Stefano is the modeFRONTIER product manager at ESTECO. He graduated in Physical Chemistry from the University of Padova, and completed a Master's programme in Bioinformatics at the University of Bologna. After three years of experience as a Scientist at the Area Science Park (National Research Institution, Italy) in the design and implementation of data mining software, he joined ESTECO, working as an internal data mining consultant and business development in the pharmaceutical market.

Novel approach in green chemistry: automated enzyme screening simulation methods for plastic waste recycling
Written by Anamaria Todea, Demi Vattovaz, Danilo Di Stefano
11 October 2023 · 5 min read
Using modeFRONTIER to integrate different bioinformatics tools into a single simulation workflow to automate in silico design.

Instantly predict design behavior with Python based Response Surface Models
Written by Alberto Clarich, Danilo Di Stefano, Alessandro Viola, Riccardo Di Meo
29 November 2022 · 5 min read
Python RSM bridge in modeFRONTIER is a very effective way of dealing with complexity, at any level, when creating RSM models.

Reducing the complexity of design space exploration with sensitivity analysis
Written by Danilo Di Stefano, Alessandro Viola
10 March 2021 · 6 min read
Engineering problems can involve a large number of design variables. But not all of the inputs have an equal effect on the output. Considering them all can dramatically reduce the efficiency of Design of Experiments (DOE) or optimization studies.

Python for engineers: The benefits of executing codes in an automated workflow for design optimization
Written by Danilo Di Stefano, Alessandro Viola
13 July 2020 · 6 min read
Nowadays, deep expertise in scripting languages and programming became a valuable skill set for engineers and R&D professionals in general to perform process automation, data analysis, and visualization.