Better Business Decisions using Platforms for Digital Thread Engineering, SPDM and Design Optimization
Written by Dirk Zwemer
4 August 2022 · 5 min read

The success of digital transformation in organizations developing complex products and systems hinges on rapidly connecting diverse data streams and models across lots of enterprise tools/services into digital threads. These digital threads form the “information” nervous system of an organization, making it possible to propagate, query, analyze, and present information to decision-makers.
Evolving within a democratization culture, ESTECO VOLTA SPDM platform APIs enable organizations to manage and share simulation models for multidisciplinary design optimization, between analysts and departments. One of the key points of ESTECO VOLTA is the capacity to integrate seamlessly with third-party software to allow process automation and enhance the software potential.
Syndeia is a software platform for integrated model-based engineering. It enables engineering teams to collaboratively and concurrently develop and manage a digital thread for any complex system/product by federating models and data from diverse ecosystems of modeling and simulation tools, enterprise applications, and data repositories.
Jointly Syndeia and ESTECO VOLTA allow models and the run results to become part of a digital thread with version-sensitive traceability accessible via the REST API. It’s a technology that allows you to weave a digital thread across your engineering acquisition lifecycle from conception, through architecture, to specification, through simulation, to productization, and into operation. From a single pane of glass, your analysts and stakeholders can navigate from connected tool to connected tool - without being tool gurus.
As this video shows, on the Syndeia Web Dashboard Repositories page, you can identify the ESTECO VOLTA category and select a specific repository where you can see Projects, Personal Workspace, and Team Workspaces. From this repository view, you can see all the contents of the ESTECO VOLTA repository, whether or not an object has been connected to models in other tools. You can:
- View the properties of the ESTECO VOLTA element, including its name, externalKey, type, and URL
- Search the repository using the simple or advanced search interface, and
- See what the element is connected to, both intra-model and inter-model
You can also launch the ESTECO VOLTA webpage in our default browser directly from the tree view.
The video goes on to demonstrate an alternate view of the network of connections involving ESTECO VOLTA elements called the Digital Thread Explorer where you can see all the connections to it, both the intra-model connections to other ESTECO VOLTA elements and the inter-model connections.
In a nutshell, the integration of ESTECO VOLTA and Syndeia improves your decision-making and your ability to deliver useful systems on schedule, under budget, while meeting performance requirements.
White paper