AeroBest 2023 (ECCOMAS)

The AeroBest 2023 (ECCOMAS) takes place in Lisbon, Portugal, from 19 to 21 July, 2023. It is a thematic conference that focuses on the multidisciplinary design optimization of aerospace systems, both aircraft and spacecraft.
At this second edition of the event the aim is to bridge the gap between generic major conferences in the Aerospace field and in Optimization, and offer a focused discussion on optimization applied to Aerospace. It can be regarded as the European counterpart of the AIAA/ISSMO Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Conference.
Our experts Luca Battaglia, Federico Carlini, Alberto Clarich, and Rosario Russo wrote a paper which is titled "An uncertainty quantification method based on Proper Orthogonal Decomposition and Polynomial Chaos Expansion".
They are at the conference to present this paper, which is about:
- Uncertainty Quantification UQ method based on non-intrusive
- Snapshot Proper Orthogonal Decomposition POD Reduced Order Model ROM and Polynomial
- Chaos Expansion PCE to efficiently compute the uncertainty propagation on a vectorial field of interest due to input uncertain parameters
- The method is applied to the CFD problem of the flow over an airfoil with parameterized uncertain angle of attack and inflow velocity to estimate the uncertainties of the pressure field in each mesh cell
- The modeFRONTIER process automation workflow and its algorithms dedicated to the Robust analysis enable to run automatically multiples CFD anayses changing the values of the parameters in order to generate the required database of snapshots. The post processing and the python environments allow to process the CFD fields to quantify the uncertainties directly in modeFRONTIER.
Join us there to discover how to leverage ESTECO Technology and disseminate knowledge among transnational collaborations involving academia and industry.
Learn more about the conference program here.