ESTECO is glad to collaborate for the first physical workshop and webinar of the AISE VVT, Verification, Validation and Testing, working group 2019 that consists of deepening, exercising and discussion the Verification and Validation processes tailoring for the system and development engineers. The event will be held on May 23rd at the Padriciano Area Science Park.
The AISE VVTWG, Esteco and Tetra Pak Packaging Solutions propose a general-purpose case study of shift from a traditional approach to a tailored one is proposed for discussion and exercised by different planning and evaluation tools.
It implies the application of the MBSE paradigm by complementing and replacing, within a coherent framework, the traditional inspection, demonstration, testing and sampling approaches of the latest stages with an early implementation of analysis and simulations.
9.00 Registration
9.30 Welcome & introduction
9.45 Methodological intro: Alessandro Turco from BeePMN, David Ward from Flex
11.00 Example introduction: Leardi Carlo
13.00 Workshop supported by experts
15.00 Webinar: Mike Stowe, DSMiSIG Chair
16.00 Results discussion and close-up
Free participation with mandatory registration at the following link or by sending a mail at