GECCO 2019 | The Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference

ESTECO is honored to be present to the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) that will be held on July 13th-17th, 2019 in Prague.
Carlos Kavka from ESTECO will present the speech "Easy to Use and Efficient Optimization Tools in Industrial Engineering: A Strong Market Requirement" that will be in the "Evolutionary Computation in Practice (ECiP) track" in session 2 (S-2): “Real” real-world optimization.
The Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) shows the latest high-quality results in genetic and evolutionary computation since 1999. Topics include: genetic algorithms, genetic programming, and colony optimization and swarm intelligence, complex systems (artificial life/robotics/evolvable hardware/generative and developmental systems/artificial immune systems), digital entertainment technologies and arts, evolutionary combinatorial optimization and metaheuristics, evolutionary machine learning, evolutionary multiobjective optimization, evolutionary numerical optimization, real-world applications, search-based software engineering, theory and more.
Don't miss the ESTECO speech!