WEBINAR - Server-based MDO using an SPDM Framework

During these challenging times, remote working may turn out to be a learning opportunity.
To keep in touch with customers and optimization enthusiasts, our North American office will host a series of one-hour technical webinars on ESTECO technology.
On 15 April, at 2:00 PM EDT, learn more about Server-based MDO & SPDM.
After RSM and parametric optimization, now it's time to focus on our collaborative server-based platform VOLTA.
Join us and discover the benefits of a server-based Multidisciplinary Design Optimization (MDO) approach and simulation and process data management (SPDM).
While desktop tools can be used to set up large MDO workflows, there are some inherent drawbacks related to process complexity, debugging, execution and collaboration. With a server-based approach, large MDO workflows can be easily managed discipline by discipline and collaboration can be stimulated through a modern web interface which is accessible anytime, anywhere. On the execution side, a server-based approach offers many advantages related to distributed execution enabling hybrid compute infrastructures.
SPDM is an important aspect of server-based MDO since it manages the ownership, version control and permissions of all the data and models needed to build and execute complex workflows. With SPDM, MDO becomes a team effort instead of an ‘expert-only’ exercise. Workflows can be quickly upgraded or rolled back to a known state, simplifying the debugging and editing process. SPDM architecture provides the collaboration and knowledge management framework for MDO.
Registration is required to join this event.