Optimizing the automotive manufacturing system design with modeFRONTIER

In this joint webinar, ESTECO and COMAU present the new outcome of the ProRegio project*: a new approach for a System Design Platform able to respond to regional requirements while dramatically reducing manufacturing systems design cycle and quoting time.
Andrea Ascheri from COMAU Spa presents the case study based on a Car Engine Assembly Production Line, where modeFRONTIER helped optimize the costs and layout responding to the different regional requirements.
The webinar focuses on a novel approach to the preliminary design of complex production systems, capable of:
- Capture, store and re-use the existing technical knowledge
- Reduce the design time under region and customer dependent conditions with first-time-right design
- Integrate the design with visualization and analytics tools
- Improved design quality – evaluation of more design alternatives
*The presented results were conducted within the project “ProRegio” entitled “customer-driven design of product-services and production networks to adapt to regional market requirements”. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement n° 636966.