Design Optimization
Use our powerful advanced numerical techniques to drive design optimization and deliver better, more competitive products in less time.
In complex engineering problems, exploring the design space and handling multiple design constraints and conflicting objectives is essential to improve the final product performance.
Adopting our high-level optimization-driven approach you can achieve the best result while dramatically reducing both development costs and time-to-market. Our Design Optimization technology includes a wide set of methods (Design of Experiments, Response Surface Models, Multiobjective and Multidisciplinary Design Optimization) to drive innovation and deliver better products faster.
Also, our Autonomous Optimization approach based on Artificial Intelligence, guides you to the optimal solution freeing your time and resources to focus on value-added tasks.
Explore, evaluate and increase performance
Innovate faster
Replace guesswork with automated design space exploration from the earliest stages of the design process. Accelerate innovation and discover groundbreaking solutions that you might otherwise haven’t considered.
Explore efficiently
Handle hundreds of design parameters simultaneously, balance complex tradeoffs and quickly identify a set of optimal solutions, even for the most elaborate and constrained design problems.
Focus on your goal
Leave complexity out, painstaking settings and concentrate on your engineering goal. Trust our solid numerical knowledge and expedite your decision making and design space exploration phases.
20-year numerical expertise at your hand

You can rely on our long-term experience and choose from best-in-class numerical optimization techniques to tackle every engineering challenge and support your design space exploration strategy.
- Use our smart DOE technology to reduce the complexity of the engineering problem.
- Build reliable RSM approximation models to get an accurate insight into the relationship between parameters and objectives.
- Benefit from state-of-the-art optimization algorithms to handle hundreds of design parameters and balance tradeoffs.
- Apply robust and reliability-based optimization to design high-quality and well-performing products while considering all real-life uncontrolled factors.

Embrace the Autonomous approach
Whether you need to start understanding your engineering problem or you work under strict timelines, you can embrace our AI-based Autonomous Optimization approach and focus on the improvement you want to reach without any setting required.
With our well-trusted self-adaptive algorithm pilOPT you can access multiple numerical investigation strategies and get the best trade-off between the quality of the solution and the time necessary to find it. Rely on our automatic approach to achieve the best design solution while making the best out of time and computational resources.
Tailored for your company needs
If your optimization project is part of a wider product development process involving multiple teams, making these teams collaborate is essential. In our enterprise platform VOLTA, simulation experts can set up design space exploration and optimization strategies, and share them with other teams for further improvement. Design engineers can access the strategies previously built and just execute simulations as many times as they need, without dealing with the process automation complexity.
If you need to find the optimal solution for your design, evaluate all feasible alternatives and accelerate your design process, you can rely on our complete solution for optimization at your desk. Our desktop solution modeFRONTIER enables you to streamline your engineering process and easily create, execute and monitor both single- and multidisciplinary projects. All our best-in-class numerical tools are readily available in a single complete environment, from which you can set up your optimization projects, automate your simulation process and find the optimum.