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Showing 26 - 30 of 52 blog posts

How Simulation Process and Data Management (SPDM) technology can ease simulation-driven development

Written by Luka Onesti

17 November 2021 · 8 min read

In the process of connecting simulations to the Digital Thread, the orchestration of many fundamental multidisciplinary analysis is critical.

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From task oriented to process driven: business process management in VOLTA

Written by Nela Lazarevic

26 October 2021 · 5 min read

Now we’re taking VOLTA to the next level, by introducing a business process management layer on top of the SPDM capabilities.

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pyCONSOLE: a Python-based Data Intelligence environment integrated in an Engineering MDO framework

Written by Alberto Clarich

25 August 2021 · 8 min read

Every design engineer working on a Multidisciplinary Design Optimization project frequently needs to integrate data analysis within the MDO process in a custom way, either in a preliminary phase of the design or in the final decision-making process.

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Aerospace emerging sectors: eVTOL design for success with MDO

Written by Roel Van De Velde

2 August 2021 · 6 min read

The market for Urban Air Mobility and Regional Air Mobility is red hot. Hundreds of startups are trying to impress investors. How can these startups have a better chance of success with their first clean sheet design? By fully embracing MDO in the design and engineering process.

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Break down data silos and democratize the simulation process with APIs

Written by Matteo Gazzin

30 June 2021 · 5 min read

In today’s data-driven businesses, accessing enterprise-wide information is a must to maximize operational efficiencies and discover new opportunities. Indeed, nine out of ten IT leaders consider data silos as the main cause of significant business problems for most enterprises.

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