
Unlocking innovation in Aerospace and Defense

Shorten aircraft design cycles with ESTECO’s digital engineering solutions for collaboration, simulation data management and multidisciplinary design optimization.


Empowering SPDM with unified CAE workflow automation and Business Process Management

Take a 30-minute deep dive into VOLTA BPM technology and learn how to automate human interactions and integrate simulation execution in a business process workflow.

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ESTECO VOLTA and modeFRONTIER capabilities
Discover ESTECO VOLTA and modeFRONTIER capabilities applied into different case studies: supersonic business jet, beam optimization.
Server-based MDO using ESTECO VOLTA SPDM platform
Discover more about the server-based MDO using ESTECO VOLTA SPDM platform applied to different case studies.
Getting started with parametric design optimization in modeFRONTIER
Solve complex MDAO studies in a fraction of the time using a validated advanced panel method
ESTECO and Research in Flight showcase the optimization of a propeller geometry to meet stakeholders' goals in a complex, changing environment. In this joint webinar, ESTECO and Research in Flight showcase the optimization of a propeller geometry to meet stakeholders' goals in a complex, changing environment of multiple competing requirements and key performance metrics. This webinar demonstrates how this class of problem can be addressed by combining ESTECO's efficient server-based approach to Multidisciplinary Design Analysis and Optimization (MDAO) technology with Research in Flight's state-of-the-art, versatile, fast, and powerful aerodynamic analysis tools. Agenda: Overview of ESTECO and Research in Flight Case study: the optimization of a propeller geometry to meet stakeholders' goals in a complex, changing environment of multiple competing requirements and key performance metrics. FlightStream Problem Setup/Definition VOLTA Problem Setup/Definition Optimization results and conclusions
From task-oriented to process-oriented approach with VOLTA Business Process Management
With our business process management technology, companies can map, formalize and execute simulation-driven product development processes, maximizing the enterprise-wide flow of engineering data. Information flows across domains, reaching the right people at the right time and minimizing effort and productivity bottlenecks.
Validate automotive design, autonomous and e-mobility system with ESTECO Technology
Automotive engineers can benefit from our software solutions ESTECO VOLTA and ESTECO modeFRONTIER to innovate the simulation-driven product development and achieve better vehicle designs with increased performance at reduced production costs.
ESTECO Technology: for innovators by innovators
ESTECO is an independent software company, highly specialized in numerical optimization and simulation process and data management. The company relies on a sound scientific foundation and embraces a flexible approach to meet customer needs. ESTECO offers innovative and flexible solutions to safely create, capture and cultivate engineering knowledge and address the challenges of digital transformation.
ESTECO Technology: reach new heights in the aerospace industry
Engineers are under pressure to develop revolutionary aircraft faster and cheaper. ESTECO Technology’s new approach to digital engineering is critical for staying competitive and embracing a cultural shift. It brings technology, processes and people together.
Interview with the engineers of the Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli boat for the 37th America’s Cup
As the Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli prototype was getting ready to sail the waters of Cagliari, Italy, we took a moment to interview Matteo Ledri, Head of CFD, and Andrea Vergombello, VPP and CFD Optimization of the Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli Team.
Success story
Balancing multiple disciplines to design adaptable and sustainable buildings
Bouygues Construction develops innovation to support companies with new construction methods and materials, while considering future usages. The main requirements for a new construction include objective measures, flexibility, industrialization, collaboration and sustainability. Moreover, customers also ask for innovative and evolving buildings. Bouygues keeps developing innovative processes together with a collaborative Multidisciplinary Design Optimization (MDO) platform, which allows the various actors involved in the project to make quicker decisions and have a crystal clear overview of the possible solutions. Cover image: courtesy of Bouygues Construction | Morpheus Hotel | credit photo Virgile Simon Bertrand (2018) Challenge A building is a prototype that is manufactured once. It’s not a functional project like a car or an airplane, where a design process can be profitable thanks to the sales volumes involved. On top of this, a building is created on site with local resources and labour, as well as environmental challenges that need to be taken into account. Engineers have to mix different disciplines such as cost engineering, methods, structure (reinforce concrete, steel, timber etc.), and building life cycle. Bouygues Construction had to take into consideration a variety of disciplines and variables to optimize building performances and propose the most adapted design to its client. ## Solution Bouygues has automated the design process of a building floor with modeFRONTIER, considering 26 input parameters such as geometry, solutions, usage specifications, structural dimensions, unit prices, and unit times of construction. The outputs were the costs, construction pace, carbon footprint. Within the VOLTA collaborative platform, engineers succeeded in implementing different construction designs and provided the most profitable and the most sustainable solutions to the building team. This was possible thanks to the seamless integration of the simulation tools currently deployed at Bouygues. This was performed in as little as two days with one engineer. “The good software is the one the designer knows and masters - explained Sylvain Géry, Senior Structural Engineer at Bouygues Construction - ESTECO Technology can easily integrate with any simulation solver. This helps when a project involves different countries and enterprises who are used to working with different tools”. Benefits Thanks to the ESTECO Technologies for process automation, design optimization and simulation data management, Bouygues fastened the simulation process and reduced the overall design project time. Engineers built multidisciplinary processes and effectively coordinated all the phases involved. They could also assess the final design performance while considering costs and carbon footprint. Moreover, the collaboration between experts from different areas and the traceability of the simulation model evolution simplified the management of the project. In the building industry there are many construction options available. “Thanks to MDO, - Géry said - we could objectively quantify the benefits of the various construction types and identify the most appropriate combination of material usage, material technology and construction workers costs.”