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Showing 36 - 40 of 52 blog posts

Key skills for developing resilience and managing work in isolation

Written by Ansley Barnard

11 January 2021 · 7 min read

In 2017, I was a crew member on HI-SEAS Mission V, a space analog experiment in Hawaii.

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Complexity, combination and collaboration: the three "Cs" of product development in the post-COVID era

Written by Enrico Nobile

18 December 2020 · 7 min read

We knew well in advance that this edition of the ESTECO Users’ Meeting was going to be different.

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ESTECO Technology for America's Cup - AC75 yachts flying on water in Auckland

Written by Carlo Poloni

16 December 2020 · 5 min read

Sailing yachts have always represented fruitful ground for multidisciplinary design optimization. No surprise that challenges in this field have accompanied the development of ESTECO from the very beginning.

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From meaningless numbers to data-driven decisions in engineering product design

Written by Nela Lazarevic and Marco Turchetto

2 December 2020 · 8 min read

The biggest challenge with data today isn’t how to handle it technically. Rather, it's about turning data into valuable insights necessary to predict the optimal next step of the design iteration.

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Beyond the cloud: handling on-demand workloads with VOLTA elastic distributed execution

Written by Matteo Gazzin

6 November 2020 · 5 min read

Over the last two decades, simulation and design optimization have become key to developing better products while reducing costs and time to market. This process is continuously evolving, increasing the level of detail of analysis and integrating multiple disciplines.

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